Jun 13, 2012


At the current time, bookstores are being outsold by smaller dmore portable tablets, in a very similar way to newspapers. Physical books are heavy, hard to carry, hard on the eyes. They are also expensive due to physical manufacturing and publisher costs. On an online bookstore, both of these costs are reduced, as you can self publish easily and the books are not in a physical form.

May 16, 2012


Evernote is a note system that you can access from any device that you log into to. You can record voice notes and take videos to remind you of things you need to do. I use evernote on my iPad and Windows computer and occasionally my school computer, but I use dropbox more.


Evernote is a note system that you can access from any device that you log into to. You can record voice notes and take videos to remind you of things you need to do. I use evernote on my iPad and Windows computer and occasionally my school computer, but I use dropbox more.

Apr 17, 2012

I think that I will make an online poster on Glogster or Storify. I will use this as it allows me to utilise a large range of social media as a platform for my project.

Mar 14, 2012

What is a "mash-up"?

A mash-up is commonly used to describe a web page, song or other piece of media that uses previous pieces of  media and combines them into one song. Song versions are very popular on YouTube as they are funny, such as 'Set Fire To Yourself', a mash-up of Eminem's song Lose Yourself and Adele's song Set Fire To The Rain. With songs, they are often protected by the 'Fair Use' section of the Copyright laws. This means that they are changing the content, not simply posting it as their own without changing it.

Jan 17, 2012

Codeyear is an online website that lets you learn code (Javascript in this case), quickly and simply. I have never been an expert on Javascript, but after doing this course for a little while, I found that I knew much more. The website itself is very well designed and it is very easy for tech immigrants as well as tech natives to learn how to do. I found it useful and interesting.