Oct 1, 2011

7 Gadgets I would kill for!

1.) Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin Speakers

Wow! The first time I saw these speakers, I fell in love with them. If I had a spare £300, I would buy these in the blink of an eye. These are the best designed speakers I have ever seen, and the sound quality is fantastic. Well worth the steep cost.

Will I get one? Maybe- I would love one of these!

2.) BMW Carbon Racer

I don't cycle, but if I owned one of these, I would cycle everywhere. It's fast, agile and really good-looking. I love it!
Will I get one? No- I don't have two grand.

3.) Batmobile
Bob Dullam. What an amazing guy. This man built a real life batmobile. I would do anything at all for this car. Just look at those wheels. Awesome. Amazing. Enough said. Just look at the picture. Wow. This guy built this car in his garage, from scratch. Please build another one. Please. Just for me. Please.

Will I get one? Keep on dreaming.

4.) Real Life Iron Man Suit

When I first saw Iron Man, I wanted to build the Iron Man suit. Unfortunately I gave up when I realised that he defied the laws of physics in many ways. But that hasn't stopped Tony Hurtubise trying. His suit is amazing, He has performed test after test on it, from picking fights with bears to asking biker gangs to beat him up. The amazing thing is that his suit actually works. It's bulletproof, and it'll stand a grenade. Unfortunately he hasn't invented the laser beams on Iron Man's hands, but his magnetic gun holsters make it easy to slip out your pistol and take out a rogue drone.

Will I get one? There are only two, and I think that I'd have to outbid the U.S Government.

5.) Landyachtz Carbon Evo Longboard: I used to really like skateboarding, but I found it too slow for my taste. So I switched to long-boarding, and this board is one of the best and the fastest I've ever seen. I would love to own one, but it costs the best part of £500, and unfortunately I don't really have that kind of money to spend on my hobbies. However, if I did, I'd get this board in a heartbeat. The carbon fibre lightweight speed clinches it for me. 

                                                                            Will I get one? No- for me, it's not worth £500.
6.)  Martin Jetpack
 The human race has dreamt of flying for many years, and now, it's possible. This amazingly well designed  pack is really, really cool. It can go up to 60mph, and reach 8000ft. However, they don't come cheap, with estimates around $100,000. Want to see it in action? Check out this video!

Will I get one? Not unless I win the lottery.

7.) Beats by Dre
A modest request compared to my last one, but just as classy. These Solo HD's in red are my favourites. Apparently the sound quality is pretty good as well, which you'd expect from something this expensive (it costs around £240).


  1. actually the solos cost about 170 pounds
    ur thinking of the studios.
    btw ur photos r all messed up

  2. Thanks for the correction. I think I've fixed the photos now!
