Sep 27, 2011

Electric Skateboards!

Just saw an article on Geeky Gadgets, which looks pretty cool. For those of you too lazy too actually click on the link, it's about an MIT student who designed an electric skateboard from a deck, a snowmobile and a Chrysler. Of course, his was by no means the first electric skateboard, but it's the first one using snowmobile parts!

Unfortunately, I don't have the time, money or ability to try out these skateboards (my skateboarding is awful!), so I'll just sum up where you can buy them, how much they cost and what they can and can't do.

  • Eight Ball
Probably the most popular around (quantified by the reliable test 'Where do they come if you type 'electic skateboard' into Google Shopping?').  Prices range from £160 to £470, depending on the make.
  • Rokit Science
More expensive by quite a lot (their most expensive board is £800) and , in my opinion, they have a poorer design. However, as I haven't tested these boards, the price and the design could be redeemed by a superb ride.
  • Skate electric
Prices ranging from £350-£450. Very cool design, and with a good range of videos and dates of upcoming events.


Best for speed goes to... Electric Skateboards! Wins by a good 4mph!

Best for design goes to... Skate Electric! Red stripe running along the middle looks very cool.

Best for price goes to... Eight Ball! Relatively inexpensive, and a good variety of boards!

Best Overall goes to... Skate Electric! Good design, good price, good speed!

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