Sep 27, 2011

IPhone 5 release date!

Apple have finally announced the launch date for their new smartphone, along with their invites! Unfortunately, Rachel and I haven't received ours. They must have forgotten. The release date is due to be October 4th, when the first Apple speech without Steve Jobs will be given. This event will probably be the release of the iPhone 4S and the iPod Touch 3G.

The iPod Touch 3G? Yes. Images were leaked onto Apple's website such as the one below:
I apologise for the poor quality (it's highly focused), but in the top left corner, you can make out the letters '3G'. Why Apple are releasing a 3G version, I have no idea (what will it do that an iPhone can't?).
On a serious note, if anyone from Apple is reading this then a.) Please may we have an invite to your speech? and b.) Can you please send us an iPhone 5 to write a review on?

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